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2023-08-30 09:53  




















2017.09-至今, 吉林大学动物科学学院,教授,博士生导师

2016.06-2017.06Tohoku University,访问学者























1. 固原黄牛肉用种质特性形成的遗传机制解析,国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金重点项目,2023-202680 万元,联合主持。

2. 延边牛和延黄牛优质高效肉用新品系联合选育及产业化推广,吉林省重大科技专项(农业领域),2023-202536 万元,参加。

3. 第三次全国畜禽遗传资源普查延边牛等 6 个品种性能测定和样品采集,农业农村部种业管理司,2022-202344.2 万元,主持。

4. 吉林省特色肉牛种质资源发展战略研究,中国工程科技发展战略咨询研究专题项目,2022-202315 万元,参加。

5. Exosomes 介导牛前体脂肪细胞分化及肌内沉脂的分子机制(31972993),国家自然科学基金,2020-2023, 59 万元,主持。

6.肉牛肌内沉脂性状候选基因的筛查与鉴定(Identification and characterization of candidate genes involved in intramuscular fat deposition in cattle2019-8),2018-2019 年度中德农业科技合作项目计划,2019-2020,主持。

7.基于单细胞RNA 组学分析的肉牛肌内脂肪沉积分子调控机理解析(31672389),国家自然科学基金,2017-2020

8. Fas/FasL 系统凋亡因子 FADD 在牛卵泡发育中的作用机制研究(31000991),国家自然科学基金,2011-2013

9. 优质高效转基因肉牛新品种培育(2009ZX08007-005B),转基因专项重点课题子课题,2009-2011

9. 吉林省肉牛种质资源与基因组学创新团队(20170519014JH),吉林省中青年科技创新领军人才及团队项目,2017-2018

10. 凋亡诱导因子 Fas ligand 在牛卵泡发育中的作用机制研究(20100061120039),教育部博士点基金,2011-2013

11.Myostatin 基因免疫提高肉牛生产性能及肉用性状分子设计技术体系的建立(2011022 9),吉林省科技发展计划重点项目,2011-2013

12.. AS-lncRNA 介导 DLK 调控肉牛前体脂肪细胞分化的作用及分子机制(20180101275JC),吉林省自然科学基金,2018-2020

10. 不同品种肉牛基因组甲基化差异与肌间脂肪沉积能力的关系(20130522084JH),吉林省科技创新人才培育计划,2013-2015


1. 参编著作

1)《养牛学》第四版(全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材,普通高等教育农业农村部“十三五”规划教材),中国农业出版社,2021 年。

2)《养牛学实习指导》第二版(全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材),中国农业出版社,2021 年。


4)《中国黄牛学》(现代农业科技专著大系),中国农业出版社,2013 年。



7)《牛育种学》,中国农业出版社,2021 年。

8)《全国动物遗传标记学术研讨会论文集-2012》, ANBAPH2012 年。

2. 授权专利



3)杨润军,赵志辉,许黄涛,谭宇鹏,房希碧,芦春艳。中国西门塔尔牛 FGF-1 基因作胴体肉品质的遗传标记,专利申请号:ZL201410678809X。授权日:2017.12.05


5)杨润军,赵志辉,梁晶婕,房希碧,龙小娟,肖航,姜平。影响中国西门塔尔牛脂肪沉积的 FDFT1 基因关键位点,专利申请号:ZL2014106787754。授权日:2017.10.03

6)龙小娟,芦春艳,赵志辉,杨润军。一种牛 AGPAT6 基因单核苷酸多态性的检测方法,授权专利号:ZL201510195275X。授权日:2017.03.01

7)赵志辉,姜平,芦春艳,杨润军,房希碧,龙小娟,肖航。利用 PRSS2 基因作为乳蛋白含量分子标记的检测方法。授权专利号:ZL 201610152992.9。授权日:2018.10.23

8)姜平,赵志辉,杨润军,芦春艳,房希碧,龙小娟,肖航。一种牛乳脂代谢相关基因C4BPA 定量 PCR 检测方法。授权专利号:ZL201510593430.3。授权日:2019.05.31

9)姜平,赵志辉,杨润军,芦春艳。一种利用 PRSS2 基因标记检测牛胴体肉质性状的方法。授权专利号:ZL201610820940.4。授权日:2019.04.05

10)白紫彤,房希碧,赵志辉,杨润军,于海滨,夏立新,余湘,米家其,孙豪。一种利用 SDC3 启动子遗传标记检测牛脂肪性状的方法。授权专利号:ZL202010187041.1。授权日:2021.03.23

11)杨润军,王梦岩,赵志辉,房希碧,余湘. DLK1 基因标记检测西门塔尔牛胴体脂肪覆盖率的方法。授权专利号:ZL201811616457.X。授权日:2021.09.14

12)房希碧,赵志辉,杨润军,葛延亮,夏立新。ANGPTL5 基因作为牛背膘厚分子标记及检测方法。授权专利号:ZL 201910669414.6。授权日:2022-10-18

13)房希碧;李晓慧;赵志辉;杨润军;于海滨;姜平;夏立新;张修齐;何维。一种利用 RRAD 遗传标记检测牛胴体和肉质性状的方法。授权专利号:ZL202010097319.6 ,授权日:2022-12-27

3. 发表论文


(1) Li G, Yang R, Lu X, Liu Y, He W, Li Y, Yu H, Qin L, Cao Y, Zhao Z, Fang X. RNA-Seq Analysis Identifies Differentially Expressed Genes in the Longissimus dorsi of Wagyu and Chinese Red Steppe Cattle. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023; 24(1):387. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24010387

(2) He W, Fang X, Lu X, Liu Y, Li G, Zhao Z, Li J, Yang R. Function Identification of Bovine ACSF3 Gene and Its Association With Lipid Metabolism Traits in Beef Cattle. Front Vet Sci. 2022 Jan 6;8:766765. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.766765.

(3) Sun H, Yu H, Xia L, Jiang P, Bai Z, Gao M, Zhao Z, Yang R, Fang X. MiRNA-34c Regulates Bovine Sertoli Cell Proliferation, Gene Expression, and Apoptosis by Targeting the AXL Gene. Animals (Basel). 2021 Aug 13;11(8):2393. doi: 10.3390/ani11082393.

(4) Xia L, Zhao Z, Yu X, Lu C, Jiang P, Yu H, Li X, Yu X, Liu J, Fang X, Yang R. Integrative analysis of miRNAs and mRNAs revealed regulation of lipid metabolism in dairy cattle. Funct Integr Genomics. 2021 Jul;21(3-4):393-404. doi: 10.1007/s10142-021-00786-9.

(5) Fang X, Xia L, Yu H, He W, Bai Z,Qin L, Jiang P, Zhao Y, Zhao Z andYang R (2021) ComparativeGenome-Wide Alternative SplicingAnalysis of Longissimus DorsiMuscles Between Japanese Black(Wagyu) and Chinese Red SteppesCattle. Front. Vet. Sci. 8:634577.

doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.634577

(6) He W, Gao M, Yang R, Zhao Z, Mi J, Sun H, Xiao H, Fang X. The effect of CPT1B gene on lipid metabolism and its polymorphism analysis in Chinese Simmental cattle. Anim Biotechnol. 2021 Apr 7:1-13. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2021.1904966.

(7) Yu, H., Zhao, Y., Iqbal, A., Xia, L., Bai, Z., Sun, H., Fang, X., Yang, R., and Zhao, Z.: Effects of polymorphism of the GPAM gene on milk quality traits and its relation to triglyceride metabolism in bovine mammary epithelial cells of dairy cattle, Arch. Anim. Breed.,2021, 64, 35–44, https://doi.org/10.5194/aab-64-35-2021.

(8) Lixin Xia, Xibi Fang, Zhihui Zhao, Runjun Yang.PSXII-28 miRNA2382-5p regulates production of triglyceride in mammary epithelial cells via targeting NDRG2 of dairy cattle. November 2020, Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement_4):248-248

(9) Lixin Xia, Zhihui Zhao, Runjun Yang, Ping Jiang, Yinuo Liu, Haibin Yu, Zitong Bai, Jiaqi Mi, Xianzhong Yu, and Xibi Fang. miR-2382-5p Regulates Lipid Metabolism by Targeting NDRG2 in Mammary Epithelial Cells of Dairy Cattle. DNA and Cell Biology. Dec 2020, 2125-2133. http://doi.org/10.1089/dna.2020.5658.

(10) Wang M, Jiang P, Yu X, Mi J, Bai Z, Zhang X, Liu Y, Fang X, Yang R, Zhao Z. Analysis of the Bovine DLK1 Gene Polymorphism and Its Relation to Lipid Metabolism in Chinese Simmental. Animals. 2020 May 26;10(6):923. doi: 10.3390/ani10060923.

(11) Yu X, Fang X, Gao M, Mi J, Zhang X, Xia L, Zhao Z, Albrecht E, Maak S, Yang R. Isolation and Identification of Bovine Preadipocytes and Screening of MicroRNAs Associated with Adipogenesis. Animals. 2020 May 9;10(5):818. doi:10.3390/ani10050818.

(12) Jiang P, Xia L, Jin Z, Ali S, Wang M, Li X, Yang R, Fang X, Zhao Z. New function of the CD44 gene: Lipid metabolism regulation in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J Dairy Sci. 2020 Jul;103(7):6661-6671. doi: 10.3168/jds.2019-17415.

(13) Xiang Yu, Xibi Fang, Hang Xiao, Zhihui Zhao, Steffen Maak, Mengyan Wang, and Runjun Yang*. The effect of acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5 on triglyceride synthesis in bovine preadipocytes. Arch. Anim. Breed., 2019, 62, 257~264.

(14) Yinuo Liu, Xibi Fang, Zhihui Zhao, Junya Li, Elke Albrecht, Lisa Schering, Steffen Maak, and Runjun Yang*. Polymorphisms of the ASIP gene and the haplotype are associated with fat deposition traits and fatty acid composition in Chinese Simmental steers.Arch. Anim. Breed.,2019, 62, 135–142.

(15) Liu Y, Albrecht E, Dannenberger D, Hammon HM, Kuehn C, Sauerwein H, Yang R, Zhao Z, Maak S. Retinol binding protein 4 abundance in plasma and tissues is related to body fat deposition in cattle.Sci Rep. 2019 May 30;9(1):8056. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44509-4.

(16) Li X, Jiang P, Yu H, Yang Y, Xia L, Yang R, Fang X, Zhao Z. miR-21-3p Targets Elovl5 and Regulates Triglyceride Production in Mammary Epithelial Cells of Cow. DNA Cell Biol. 2019,38(4):352-357.

(17) Ping Jiang; Xibi Fang; Zhihui Zhao; Xianzhong Yu; Boxing Sun; Haibin Yu; Runjun Yang*. The effect of short/branched chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase gene on triglyceride synthesis of bovine mammary epithelial cells.Arch. Anim. Breed, 2018.3.2, 61: 115~122.

(18) Yinuo Liu; Elke Albrecht; Lisa Schering; Christa Kuehn; Runjun Yang; Zhihui Zhao; Steffen Maak. Agouti Signaling Protein and Its Receptors as Potential Molecular Markers for Intramuscular and Body Fat Deposition in Cattle. Front. Physiol., 2018.3.6, 2(172): 1~13.

(19) Yang Y; Fang X; Yang R; Yu H; Jiang P; Sun B; Zhao Z. MiR-152 Regulates Apoptosis and Triglyceride Production in MECs via Targeting ACAA2 and HSD17B12 Genes. Scientific Reports, 2018.1.11, 8(1): 1~10.

(20) Xibi Fang, Zhihui Zhao, Haibin Yu, Guangpeng Li, Ping Jiang, Yuwei Yang,Runjun Yang*, Xianzhong Yu*. (2017) Comparative genome-wide methylation analysis of longissimus dorsi muscles between Japanese black (Wagyu) and Chinese Red Steppes cattle. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182492.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0182492.

(21) Xibi Fang, Zhihui Zhao, Ping Jiang, Haibin Yu, Hang Xiao, Runjun Yang*. Identification of the bovine HSL gene expression profiles and its association with fatty acid composition and fat deposition traits. Meat Science, 2017,131, 107-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2017.05.003.


(23) Haibin Yu, Zhihui Zhao, Xianzhong Yu, Junya Li, Chuanyan Lu, Runjun Yang*. Bovine lipid metabolism related gene GPAM: Molecular characterization, function identification, and association analysis with fat deposition traits.Gene, 2017, 609, 9-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j. gene.2017.01.031

(24) Pengcheng Guo, Zhihui Zhao, Shouqing Yan, Junya Li, Hang Xiao, Dongxue Yang, Yaolu Zhao,Ping Jiang, and Runjun Yang*. PSAP gene variants and haplotypes reveal significant effects on carcass and meat quality traits in Chinese Simmental-cross cattle.Arch. Anim. Breed., 2016,59, 461-468.doi:10.5194/aab-59-461-2016.

(25) Binglei Shen; Liying Zhang; Chuanjiang Lian; Chunyan Lu; Yonghong Zhang; Qiqi Pan; Runjun Yang*; Zhihui Zhao*, i - Deep Sequencing and Screening of Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs Related to Milk Fat Metabolism in Bovine Primary Mammary Epithelial Cells., Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2016, 17(2), 200; doi:10.3390/ijms17020200, 17(2), pp 1-16, 2016/2/17.

(26) Xiaojuan Long, Xibi Fang, Ping Jiang, Hang Xiao, Haibin Yu, Mengjiao Zhou, Yunzhi Pan,Chunyan Lu, Zhihui Zhao, and Runjun Yang*.AGPAT6 gene EX1_303T>C and EX12_299G>A mutations and associations with economic traits of Chinese Simmental-cross cattle.Arch Anim Breed, 2016, 59,301-307. doi:10.5194/aab-59-301-2016.

(27) H.Xiao, Z.Zhao, X.Fang, H.Yu, X.Long, P.Jiang and R.Yang*.Association of the ACSL5 gene G.33185918G> A and G.33186348C>T mutations with carcass and meat quality traits of Chinese Simmental-cross steers. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences.2016,26(3):658-664.

(28) Yang Yuwei, Pan Qiqi, Sun Boxing, Yang Runjun, Fang Xibi, Liu Xin, Yu Xianzhong, and Zhao Zhihui. DNA and Cell Biology. November 2016, ahead of print. doi:10.1089/dna.2016.3443.

(29) Gao, Feng; Sun, Boxing; Xing, Shenyang; Yu, Xianzhong; Lu, Chunyan; Li, Aonan; Zhao, Zhihui; Yang, Runjun*, The effect of leader peptide mutations on the biological function of bovine myostatin gene., Gene, 540(2), pp 171-177, 2014/5/1.

(30) Bai, W. L.; Yin, R. H.; Zhao, S. J.; Jiang, W. Q.; Yin, R. L.; Ma, Z. J.; Wang, Z. Y.; Zhu, Y. B.; Luo, G. B.; Yang, R. J.; Zhao, Z. H., Selection of suitable reference genes for studying gene expression in milk somatic cell of yak (Bos grunniens) during the lactation cycle, Journal of Dairy Science, 97(2), pp 902-910, 2014/2.

(31) Fang, X. B.; Zhang, L. P.; Yu, X. Z.; Li, J. Y.; Lu, C. Y.; Zhao, Z. H*.; Yang, R. J*., Association of HSL gene E1-c.276C > T and E8-c.51C > T mutation with economical traits of Chinese Simmental cattle, Molecular Biology Reports, 41(1), pp 105-112, 2014/1.

(32) Ji, Shuang; Yang, Runjun; Lu, Chunyan; Qiu, Zhengyan; Yan, Changguo; Zhao, Zhihui, Differential Expression of PPAR gamma, FASN, and ACADM Genes in Various Adipose Tissues and Longissimus dorsi Muscle from Yanbian Yellow Cattle and Yan Yellow Cattle, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 27(1), pp 10-18, 2014/1.

(33) Zhang, Jinyu*; Yang, Runjun*; Sun, Shicheng; Sun, Liang; Liu, Yinuo; Zhang, Yonghong; Yan, Shouqing; Li, Yumei; Zhao, Zhihui, Cloning and characterization of new transcript variants of insulin-like growth factor-I in Sika deer (Cervus elaphus), Growth Hormone & IGF Research, 23(4), pp 120-127, 2013/8.

(34) Bai, W. L.; Yin, R. H.; Yang, R. J.; Khan, W. A.; Ma, Z. J.; Zhao, S. J.; Jiang, W. Q.; Wang, Z. Y.; Zhu, Y. B.; Luo, G. B.; Zhao, Z. H., Identification of suitable normalizers for microRNA expression analysis in milk somatic cells of the yak (Bos grunniens), Journal of Dairy Science, 96(7), pp 4529-4534, 2013/7.

(35) Tian, Jing; Zhao, Zhihui; Zhang, Lupei; Zhang, Qingfeng; Yu, Zhongjiang; Li, Junya; Yang, Runjun*, Association of the leptin gene E2-169T > C and E3-299T > A mutations with carcass and meat quality traits of the Chinese Simmental-cross steers, Gene, 518(2), pp 443-448, 2013/4/15.

(36) Lu, Chunyan*; Yang, Runjun*; Shen, Binglei; Osman, Hassan; Zhang, Yonghong; Yan, Shouqing; Zhang, Liying; Zhao, Zhihui, RNA Interference-Mediated Knockdown of DGAT1 Decreases Triglyceride Content of Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cell Line, Gene Expression, 15(5-6), pp 199-206, 2013.

(37) Liu, Chang; Zhao, Zhihui; Bai, Wenlin; Sun, Boxing; Zhang, Yonghong; Yang, Runjun*, Cloning and Characterization of New Splice Variants of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Gene in Songliao Black Pig, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(17), pp 3125-3131, 2012.

(38) Yang, R. J.; Li, J. Y.; Zhao, Z. H.; Gao, X.; Gao, H. J.; Xu, S. Z., Fas Expression and Mediated Activation of an Apoptosis Programme in Bovine Follicular Granulosa Cells In Vitro, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 47(4), pp 537-543, 2012/8.

(39) Liu, Boyang; Yang, Runjun; Li, Junya; Zhang, Lupei; Liu, Jing; Lu, Chunyan; Lian, Chuanjiang; Li, Zezhong; Zhang, Yonghong; Zhang, Liying; Zhao, Zhihui, Construction of fat1 Gene Expression Vector and Its Catalysis Efficiency in Bovine Fetal Fibroblast Cells, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 25(5), pp 621-628, 2012/5.

(40) Bai, W. L.; Yang, R. J.; Yin, R. H.; Jiang, W. Q.; Luo, G. B.; Yin, R. L.; Zhao, S. J.; Li, C.; Zhao, Z. H., Molecular characterization and expression analysis of osteopontin cDNA from lactating mammary gland in yak (Bos grunniens), Molecular Biology Reports, 39(4), pp 3627-3635, 2012/4.

(41) Lian, Chuanjiang; Sun, Boxing; Niu, Shuling; Yang, Runjun; Liu, Boyang; Lu, Chunyan; Meng, Jilun; Qiu, Zhengyan; Zhang, Liying; Zhao, Zhihui, A comparative profile of the microRNA transcriptome in immature and mature porcine testes using Solexa deep sequencing, FEBS Journal, 279(6), pp 964-975, 2012/3.

(42) Lu, Chunyan; Yang, Runjun; Liu, Boyang; Li, Zezhong; Shen, Binglei; Yan, Shouqing; Zhang, Yonghong; Zhang, Liying; Zhao, Zhihui, Establishment of Two Types of Mammary Epithelial Cell Lines from Chinese Holstein Dairy Cow, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 11(8), pp 1166-1172, 2012.

(43) Yang, Runjun; Xu, Shangzhong; Zhao, Zhihui; Li, Junya, Fas ligand expression and mediated activation of an apoptosis program in bovine follicular granulosa cells, Gene, 493(1), pp 148-154, 2012/2/1.

(44) Yang, RunJun; Huang, Meng; Li, JunYa; Zhao, ZhiHui; Xu, ShangZhong, Construction of a mammalian cell expression vector pAcGFP-FasL and its expression in bovine follicular granulosa cells, African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(59), pp 12819-12828, 2011/10/3.

(45) Yang, Run-Jun; Huang, Meng; Li, Jun-Ya; Gao, Xue; Zhao, Zhi-Hui; Chen, Jin-Bao; Xu, Shang-Zhong, Influence of silencing the MC4R gene by lentivirus-mediated RNA interference in bovine fibroblast cells, African Journal of Biotechnology, 10(41), pp 7969-7974, 2011/8/3.

(46) Yang, Chun; Zhang, Mingjun; Niu, Weiping; Yang, Runjun; Zhang, Yonghong; Qiu, Zhengyan; Sun, Boxing; Zhao, Zhihui, Analysis of DNA Methylation in Various Swine Tissues, PLos One, 6(1), 2011/1/21.

(47) Lian, Chuanjiang; Niu, Shuling; Yang, Runjun; Sun, Boxing; Qin, Lihong; Bai, Wenlin; Shen, Binglei; Liu, Boyang; Zhang, Liying; Zhao, Zhihui, Expression Profiling of miRNA-122 and miRNA-221 in Porcine Various Tissues and Developing Testes, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10(25), pp 3380-3384, 2011.

(48) Zhang, Jinyu; Zhang, Guoliang; Yang, Runjun; Niu, Shuling; Bai, Wenlin; Liu, Dianfeng; Xing, Shenyang; Sun, Liang; Zhao, Zhihui; Zhao, Yumin, Cloning and Characterization of Four New Splice Variants of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I Gene in Chinese Red Steppes, Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10(18), pp 2459-2464, 2011.

(49) Yang, Run Jun; Li, Wu Feng; Li, Jun Ya; Zhang, Lu Pei; Gao, Xue; Chen, Jin Bao; Xu, Shang Zhong, Construction of Mammalian Cell Expression Vector for pAcGFP-bFLIP(L) Fusion Protein and Its Expression in Follicular Granulosa Cells, Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 23(3), pp 401-409, 2010/3.

(50) Zhao, Rui; Li, Qingwang; Long, Ling; Li, Jian; Yang, Runjun; Gao, Dawei, Antidiabetic activity of flavone from Ipomoea Batatas leaf in non-insulin dependent diabetic rats, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42(1), pp 80-85, 2007/1.


1. 科研获奖:

1)中国牛业青年科技奖,2015 年。

2Fas/FasL 系统凋亡诱导因子对牛卵泡发育的调控作用机制. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖,2013 年。

3)中国地方牛种经济性状主效基因挖掘与功能验证. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖,2014 年。

4)猪肉质和繁殖性状功能基因的遗传修饰调控机制研究. 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖,2014 年。

5Myostatin 基因免疫提高肉牛生产性能及肉用性状分子设计技术体系的建立[Z],吉林省科技成果。

2. 人才称号:

首批国家涉农领域重大人才项目“神农青年英才”,农业农村部,2022 年;

全国肉牛遗传改良计划专家委员会委员,农业农村部,2021 -2035 年;

全国畜禽遗传资源普查技术专家组牛专业组专家,农业农村部,2021 -2023 年;

吉林省畜禽遗传资源委员会委员,吉林省牧业局,2022 年;

吉林省中青年科技创新领军人才,吉林省科技厅,2017 年;

吉林省高校科研春苗人才,吉林省教育厅,2013 年;

吉林大学优秀青年教师重点(2014 -2017 )、精英培养计划(2018 -2019),吉林大学;

吉林大学国家优秀青年科学基金后备人才,吉林大学,2013 年。


    版权所有:动物科学与动物医学学院 地址:天津市西青区津静路22号 邮篇:300384